大會主題演講Keynote Speech
大會主題演講Keynote Speech
使用語言:英文/Language: English
地點:國際會議廳第三演講室(光復校區)/Venue: International Conference Room, 3rd Lecture Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)
【穆斯林、伊斯蘭教與人類文明:當代大學教育的啟發與反思】A Long Journey to Islam: Its People, Civilization and Implications for Contemporary University Education
Moderator: Dr. Huey-Jen Jenny Su / President, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
主持人:蘇慧貞 / 臺灣‧國立成功大學校長 -
Speaker: Dr. William Anthony Stanton / Former Director of American Institute in Taiwan – Taipei Main Office and Professor of National Taiwan University
演講者:司徒文 / 前美國駐臺北辦事處處長、臺灣大學教授