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An International Friendly Campus Trilogy I - NCKU World Islam Campus Summit 2018


Wednesday, 6 June 2018


Registration  報到

Venue: Ge-Chi Hall (Cheng-Kung Campus)


Opening Address / Dr. Huey-Jen Jenny Su, President, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

開幕致詞 / 蘇慧貞 / 臺灣‧國立成功大學校長


Guest Address / Mr. Men-yen Li, Acting Mayor, Tainan City, Taiwan

貴賓致詞 / 李孟諺 / 臺灣‧臺南市代理市長


Group Photo  大合照


Session A  場次A(使用語言:英文)

Language: English

Venue: Ge-Chi Hall (Cheng-Kung Campus)


Building A University Campus with Multicultural Understanding, Respect, and Inclusiveness in the 21st Century in Asia


  • Moderator: Dr. William Anthony Stanton / Former Director of American Institute in Taiwan – Taipei Main Office and Professor of National Taiwan University

主持人:司徒文 /前美國駐臺北辦事處處長、臺灣大學教授

  • Panelist A: Dr. Ir Gunawan Budiyanto / Rector, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Panelist B: Dr. Oussouby Sacko / President, Kyoto Seika University, Japan
  • Panelist C: Dr. Huey-Jen Jenny Su / President, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

與談人C:蘇慧貞 / 臺灣‧國立成功大學校長


Move to International Conference Room, 3rd Lecture Room



Session B  場次B(使用語言:英文)

Language: English

Venue: International Conference Room, 3rd Lecture Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)


Muslim Migration and Integration Across Asia


  • Moderator: Dr. Mei-Ling Tsai / Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

主持人:蔡美玲 臺灣‧國立成功大學生理學科暨研究所副教授

  • Panelist A: Dr. Syuan-Yuan Chiou / Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan

與談人A:邱炫元 / 臺灣‧國立政治大學社會系助理教授

  • Panelist B: Dr. Juo-Yu Lin / Professor, Department of Diplomacy and International Relations, Tamkang University, Taiwan

與談人B:林若雩 / 臺灣‧淡江大學外交與國際關係學系教授


Lunch Break   午餐時間


Move to Ge-Chi Hall



Keynote Speech 大會主題演講(語言:英文)

A Long Journey to Islam: Its People, Civilization and Implications for Contemporary University Education


Language: English

Venue: Ge-Chi Hall (Cheng-Kung Campus)


  • Moderator: Dr. Chin-Fu Hung / Vice President for Student Affairs and Professor of Department of Political Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

主持人:洪敬富 臺灣‧國立成功大學學生事務長及政治學系教授

  • Speaker: Dr. William Anthony Stanton / Former Director of American Institute in Taiwan – Taipei Main Office and Professor of National Taiwan University

演講者:司徒文 / 前美國駐臺北辦事處處長、臺灣大學教授


Break Time  休息時間


Session C  場次C(使用語言:英文)

Language: English

Venue: International Conference Room, 3rd Lecture Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)


Islamic Cultural and Political Developments Across Asia


  • Moderator: Dr. Frank Dhont / Associate Professor, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

主持人:董梵 / 臺灣‧國立成功大學歷史學系副教授

  • Panelist A: Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto / Dean, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Panelist B: Dr. Eko Priyo Purnomo / Executive Director,  Cooperation And International Affairs, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Session D  場次D(使用語言:英文)

Language: English

Venue: International Conference Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)


Islamic Literature and Arts Across Asia


  • Moderator: Dr. Chang-Kuan Lin / Associate Professor, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

主持人:林長寬 臺灣‧國立成功大學歷史學系副教授

  • Panelist A: Dr. Eman Mohamed / Dean, Quality Assurance, Effat University, Saudi Arabia
  • Panelist B: Dr. Tsung-Te Tsai / Dean of Office of Student Affairs and Professor of Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan

與談人B:蔡宗德 / 臺灣‧國立臺南藝術大學學生事務長及 民族音樂學研究所教授


Folk Music and Dancing Performance


Venue: Multifunction Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)



Farewell  歡送

Thursday, 7 June 2018



Guests Reporting



Session E 場次E(使用語言:英文)

Language: English

Venue: NCKU Museum, Meeting Room (Cheng-Kung Campus)


Multiculturalism in Asian Perspectives


  • Moderator: Dr. Chin-Fu Hung / Vice President for Student Affairs and Professor of Department of Political Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

主持人:洪敬富 臺灣‧國立成功大學學生事務長及政治學系教授

  • Panelist A: Dr. Rolando Talamps / College Secretary, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
  • Panelist B: Dr. Decha Tangseefa / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Panelist C: Dr. Khairudin Aljunied / Associate Professor, Department of Malay Studies, National University of Singapore
  • Panelist D: Dr. Fumio Iida / Professor, Faculty of Law, Kobe University, Japan

Session F  場次F(使用語言:中文 / 英文)

Language: Chinese / English

Venue: International Conference Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)


Islam Religion and Cuisine


  • Moderator: Ms. Shu-Fen Hsu / Director, Department of Information and International Relations, Tainan City Government, Taiwan

主持人:許淑芬 臺灣‧臺南市政府新聞及國際關係處處長

  • Panelist A: Mr. Chih-Chung Wang / Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

與談人A:王治中 / 臺灣‧輔仁大學宗教系

  • Panelist B: Mr. Ishag Shiao-Chi Ma / Managing Director of International Muslim Tourism Industry Development Association, Taiwan

與談人B:伊斯哈格‧馬孝棋 / 臺灣‧國際穆斯林觀光產業聯合發展協會理事長

  • Panelist C: Mr. Rizki Sampurna / Student of Graduate Institute of Political Economy and NCKU Muslim Student Association Representative

Session G  場次G(使用語言:中文 / 英文)

Language: Chinese / English

Venue: International Conference Room, 3rd Lecture Room (Kuang-Fu Campus)


Traveling to Islamic World


  • Moderator: Ms. Shi-Si Wang / Director, Tourism and Travel Bureau, Tainan City Government, Taiwan
    Mr. Kuo-Hua Lin / Deputy Director, Tourism and Travel Bureau, Tainan City Government, Taiwan

            王時思 / 臺灣‧臺南市政府觀光旅遊局局長
            林國華 / 臺灣‧臺南市政府觀光旅遊局副局長

  • Panelist A: Mr. Feng-Yao Hsu / Tour Escort of Islamic Countries, Taiwan

與談人A:徐峰堯 / 臺灣‧伊斯蘭國家專業領隊

  • Panelist B: Mr. Chi-Sern Lim / Cross-Culture Expert, Malaysia

與談人B:林志誠 / 馬來西亞歷史文化研究者

  • Panelist C: Mr. Issa Yusuf / Student of Department of Physiology and NCKU Muslim Student Association Representative


Lunch Break   午餐時間


Farewell  歡送